Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): JET December 2020
The Implementation of the Jigsaw-Type Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in History Subjects in the Basic Competencies of Describing Historical Traditions
- pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 411 times |PDF downloaded: 518 times |Published: 2021-01-23
Peranan Orangtua dalam Membina Kedisiplinan Anak
- pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 1279 times |PDF downloaded: 3270 times |Published: 2021-01-23
Analisis Kualitas Pembelajaran Penerapan Strategi TANDUR Pada Konsep Sistem Ekskresi Manusia (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa Kelas IX-2 SMP Negeri 1 Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo)
- pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 415 times |PDF downloaded: 394 times |Published: 2021-01-23
Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model to improve the Indonesian language learning achievement of class IX-F students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Kudus in the Odd Semester of Academic Year 2019/2020
- pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 1413 times |PDF downloaded: 1573 times |Published: 2021-01-23
The Influence of the Leadership Function of the Head of Sub-Branch Offices and the Organizational Climate on the Professionalism of Employees at the Bank BJB Syariah Sub-Branch Offices
- pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 331 times |PDF downloaded: 420 times |Published: 2021-01-23
Teacher Optimalization In Creating Learning Media To Stimulate Cognitiv Ability Of Early Chilhood
- pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 1016 times |PDF downloaded: 1803 times |Published: 2021-01-23